Sunday, December 18, 2022

Day 17

 This takes place before the events of Incantus Academy book 1

December 17, 2007

Dear Diary,
    Today was the best day ever! I was chosen the be the spirit that hosts the Snowflake Dance!!! Most of the traditional spirits, my Mom, expected me to do the traditional waltz, but that's lame. Look, people, it's not the 1500s anymore. Also, I question why so many people expect a waltz, I mean come on, there are more ways to dance! Personally, I HATE the waltz. My Mom wanted me to be "A proper host" for when I got the opportunity to, but she needs to get with the times! You do not want to know how many times I have gotten sick while learning the waltz. So I chose to go a different route. Freestyle! No stuffy dresses, no spinning till you got sick, just having fun! That meant that I got to use my playlist! It was amazing.
    So when I got to the town where the Snowflake dance was taking place, I saw the most horrible sight. So many dresses, too many dresses. I just wore a normal outfit, not a ballgown. Literally, everyone that could dance in the Snowflake Dance was dressed as if they were going to be doing the waltz, I mean are you trying to make yourself suffer! I looked around to see if there was anyone who was properly dressed, and then I saw them. Two young girls, twins to be precise, who were just wearing normal clothes. I walked over to them and smiled. "How would you two like to dance with me?" I asked with a smile. Both of their faces lit up, and they each took one of my hands and walked to the stage.
    You know, people were confused about my choice, but it was the best choice ever! I plugged my phone into the speaker, put on my Happy-Go-Lucky playlist, and started the dance. And I didn't care about how controversial it was!

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Day 14

 The Origin of Starry-Wish Day

The first Starry-Wish Day was held in Zenith, as it originated from when Aura, the elemental spirit of winter, gifted the first ice-elementalist their magic. It then became a sort of tradition to exchange gifts on the Wednesday of the Snowflake dance.

Day 13

 This story takes place before Incantus Academy book 1

    "Wow!" Peter exclaimed, "This is just like how it is a home." Winter Fest had begun, and 13-year-old Peter Wilson, along with his friend Destiny ManteĆ­o, were exploring the Winter Fair on the campus of Incantus Academy.  This was both of their first Winter Fests away from home. "So," Destiny said, "where do you want to start?" Peter looked around and saw an ice-skating rink. "You up for ice skating?" He asked Destiny, and she nodded, "I'm going to skate circles around you!"
    Peter and Destiny stayed at the rink for the rest of the day, Peter attempting to use his skills in Magi-Tech to make boosters for his ice skates. I didn't work.

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Day 11

App Used: Gacha Club


Day 10

 This story takes place before the events of Incantus Academy book one

A Winter Adventure

    "I'm so excited!" Alice Wilson said to her brother Peter, "Winter Fest starts next week." Peter laughed and said, "I still can't believe this might be the last Winter Fest I will get to spend with you guys for a while." Alice looked at him and said, "You don't know if you're in yet!" Peter winked, "Oh, you doubt me too much." A girl, Alice's twin Zoe, walked into the room and said, "Let's go play in the snow!" Alice's face lit up and said, "Snow? Peter come on, there's snow!" "Hold on you two," Peter said, Alice tugging on his sleeve, "did Mom or Dad say you could go outside?" Zoe nodded, and Alice proceeded to tug on Peter.

    The group went outside, where they saw their parents. Their Dad, Mark Wilson, scooped up Alice in his arms, "I knew that you would want to play out here!" He said with a smile, "Now, who wants to play the adventure game!" Alice and Zoe jumped up and down in excitement. "Can it be one of your adventures Daddy!" Zoe said. "Why of course, my dear adventurers! So, let me tell you about the time I searched for a lost temple made entirely of snow." Before Mark and Lilly had children, they were a pair of adventurers, but that's a story for another time. So Mark told the tale reenacting it along with Alice and Zoe, Lilly and Peter watching with a smile.

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Day 9

 Gifted and Granted

(Winter Fest Dirty Santa)

How to play

  1. Have a gift from each player set out(Can be a good gift or a gag gift)
  2. Draw numbers
  3. The person who has the first number picks a gift and opens it
  4. The next person goes and either picks a gift or steals it
  5. If a person has a gift stolen from them, they can open a gift or steal one
  6. If a gift has been stolen three times, it is granted to the third person who stole it
  7. Repeat 4-6 till there are no gifts left

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Day 7

                                     The Six Days of Winter Fest (Crystalia, Amy Version) 

To the tune of "The Twelve Days of Christmas”

On the first day of Winter Fest,

my true love sent to me

A cream-filled pastry

On the second day of Winter Fest,

my true love sent to me

Two gleaming blades

 And a cream-filled pastry

On the third day of Winter Fest,

my true love sent to me

Three candy apples

Two gleaming blades

And A cream-filled pastry

On the fourth day of Winter Fest,

my true love sent to me

Four coin-filled pouches

Three candy apples

Two gleaming blades

And A cream-filled pastry

On the fifth day of Winter Fest,

my true love sent to me

Five rune stones

Four coin-filled pouches

Three candy apples

Two gleaming blades

And A cream-filled pastry

On the sixth day of Winter Fest,

my true love sent to me

Six Roses

Five rune stones

Four coin-filled pouches

Three candy apples

Two gleaming blades

And A cream-filled pastry

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Day 6

                                                Amy Vs. Will

“You're going down this time,”  Amy said to Will, readying herself. “Oh, you wish,” Will replied. It was the second day of Winter Fest, and neither of them were backing down. “Yesterday may have been an embarrassment…” Amy said before Will cut her off saying, “Yeah, Dylan was a showoff.” “As I was saying,” Amy continued, “Yesterday was an embarrassment since he somehow managed to first-try every single game we played.”

Every year Incantus Academy holds a two-week version of Winter Fest, the first week is just a fair, and the second, people just do whatever traditions they have or make new ones.

Amy and Will went to the first game they saw, the one where you throw a ball to hit bottles off of the table. Will got a ball, took a step back, and threw the ball as hard as he could. “Oh, so close, yet so far, Puppy-Boy!” Amy laughed when Will missed. “Watch and learn.” She picked up a ball and launched it at the bottles. “Ha! You’re no better than I am!” Will exclaimed as the ball missed. “Oh, be quiet you,” Amy said, hitting Will in the head.

“This looks fun!” A girl said behind Amy and Will. The girl, Ella, walked up to the booth with Matt and picked up a ball, “You want to try?” She said handing the ball to Matt. “Sure, I guess?” He replied. He tossed the ball at the bottles and hit dead center. They all collapsed, as Amy and Will stared in disbelief. Matt picked a prize and gave it to Ella saying, “How’d I do?” Ella smiled and said, “That was amazing!” Then the pair walked away.

“I can’t believe that just happened!” Amy exclaimed. “Let’s try another game, Puppy-Boy.” “Fine,” Will said, “but I’m going to win!” Amy looked at him and said, “You wish!”

In the end, they didn’t win any prizes, watching several people first try the games. 

Monday, December 5, 2022

Day 5

 Made with Gacha Club

Snowball scene from chapter 11 in Incantus Academy: The Story Begins

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Day 4

                                               The Six Days of Winter Fest (Crystalia) 

To the tune of "The Twelve Days of Christmas”

On the first day of Winter Fest,

my true love sent to me

A box full of diamond rings

On the second day of Winter Fest,

my true love sent to me

Two topaz pendants

 And A box full of diamond rings

On the third day of Winter Fest,

my true love sent to me

Three golden rings

Two topaz pendants

And A box full of diamond rings

On the fourth day of Winter Fest,

my true love sent to me

Four ruby earrings

Three golden rings

Two topaz pendants

And A box full of diamond rings

On the fifth day of Winter Fest,

my true love sent to me

Five pearl necklaces

Four ruby earrings

Three golden rings

Two topaz pendants

And A box full of diamond rings

On the sixth day of Winter Fest,

my true love sent to me

Six silver bands

Five pearl necklaces

Four ruby earrings

Three golden rings

Two topaz pendants

And A box full of diamond rings

Day 3


Characters from left to right:
Mark Wilson, Peter Wilson, Zoe Wilson, Alice Wilson, Lilly Wilson

Apps used:
Gacha Club and ibisPaint X

Friday, December 2, 2022

Day 2

 Disclaimer( This is VERY IMPORTANT ):

This is not a real recipe, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO MAKE THIS, IT WILL NOT WORK!

Snowfrost Cookies


  • 1 cup butter, room temp
  • 1 cup white sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1 teaspoon of snowfrost extract
  • 2 3/4 cups plain flour
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder


  1. Mix the dry ingredients
  2. Cream the wet ingredient in a separate bowl
  3. Mix the wet and dry ingredients
  4. Drop the cookies onto a baking sheet
  5. Flatten the cookies
  6. Sprinkle to cookies with sugar
  7. Place cookies in the freezer for 30 min
  8. Remove from freezer cookies and decorate

Note: Snowfrost extract is what causes the reaction that cooks the cookies in the freezer. That is why you can’t make Snowfrost Cookies in real life. DO NOT TRY AT HOME, I am not responsible for anything that happens if you do, since I have said several times to not try and make this since it is impossible in the real world

Day 1

 Winter is upon us, and so is the Holiday season. I decided that this year I want to do something for my winter holiday, Winter Fest. So from now until the 17TH, or the 3RD Saturday in December, I will be doing a Winter Fest Advent Calendar to show traditions and some other things that are related to Winter Fest!

What is Winter Fest

From what is in Incantus Academy about Winter Fest, all that is really said is how it is basically a festival that celebrates the Winter Elemental Spirits, Aura in particular. So today, I will be explaining what Winter Fest is exactly. So to start with, Winter Fest takes place during the 3RD week in December, ending with an event called the Snowflake Dance that takes place in a different location each time. At Incantus Academy, they have the Winter Solstice Ball instead, though it is not actually on the Winter Solstice.

The Snowflake Dance’s, along with Winter Fest’s, origins can be traced back to ancient Zenith around the 11th Century M.E. or 1000 M.E. as a way to honor winter. This spread to other realms around 1358 M.E., as people traveled between realms. The dance originated from a ceremony that two people, that are under 18, dance with winter spirits. This tradition has survived many years and is continued in today’s Winter Fests. The tradition of holding a festival, however, came later than the dance. Historically, Winter Fest came about when more people learned about the Snowflake Dance and saw it fit to honor the Spirits even more by holding a festival. The exact date of Aura’s birth, the person whom the ceremonial dance was made for, is not known, it is believed to have been around the 3RD week of December. Officially, Winter Fest starts on Monday, giving people time to prepare. 

There is a Winter Fest day that is like Christmas, meaning presents, known as Starry-Wish Day, which takes place on the 3RD day, Wednesday, of Winter Fest. Students of Incantus Academy tend to celebrate this on a different day with their families. Though some students chose to have a mini celebration with their friends on the actual day. Most towns and cities have their own Winter Fest celebration, with the exception of Zenith since they have a realm-wide celebration.

Each Winter Fest is unique to the Realm they take place in, Zenith being the most traditional. Starry-Wish Day is, however, an inter-realm holiday.

Starting with the most traditional realm when it comes to Winter Fest, Zenith has a festival similar to other traditional Zenith festivals. For the most part Elementalists show off their skills, especially ice elementalists. The people of Zenith don’t have a big festival since they keep to the traditional celebration of winter spirits. They only celebrate Starry-Wish Day and the original ceremonial dance.

Moving on to the first realm to have a special holiday for each festival day. As the first realm to have a special event for each day, Mythial has the traditional Winter Fest celebration as a whole, excluding Zenith. The first day in Mythial is Everton Day since the day that the Lunnel Dynasty fell was celebrated on the 3RD Monday of December since it is believed that the event happened around that time. This day is important to Mythalinans since it is the day that celebrates the end of the oppression that the Lunnel Dynasty had brought when they overthrew the Trinity Dynasty. The Lunnels fell to a group of rebels led by Philip Everton, who later became the king of Mythial. The second day is the Winter Festival, which is basically the same as what is shown in Incantus Academy. The third day is Starry-Wish Day of course. The fourth day is The Winter Feast, and as the name implies, it is a feast. The fifth day is the Day of Rest, most realms share the tradition of having a day where no one does any work. The final day is the Snowflake Dance.

Since I have mentioned the Snowflake Dance several times, but I haven’t gone into many details. Out of all the changes to the traditions of the people of Zenith’s ceremonial honoring of the winter spirits, the Snowflake Dance has changed the least. The only change the dance has seen is the fact that it does not only take place in Zenith anymore. In the past and today, the dance begins when a winter spirit chooses a pair of people who are at least four and at most twenty. They can be male or female, and it doesn’t matter if they know how to dance. The dance changes depending on the spirit, but most choose to do a type of waltz, but there are untraditional spirits that choose to do more modern dances. Every once in a while, a spirit may allow the pair to dance on their own, the Zenithans never had any control over the dance and neither do people today.

The next realm is Crystalia. Their first day is a feast, and so is the second, and fourth, and fifth. Yeah, Crystalia’s Winter Fest is more like a Winter Feast. The only days that aren’t feasts are Starry-Wish Day and the Snowflake Dance. There’s not much to say about their traditions, all there is to it, really, is food. Most Crystalians are rich, so they choose to indulge in course upon course of food. It’s almost like a week-long Thanksgiving celebration! This is the closest thing to Thanksgiving in this universe, so to all you American, and Canadian if your Thanksgiving is like this, Thanksgiving lovers, this is your Winter Fest. Yeah, I would not choose to celebrate Winter Fest in Crystalia, since I don’t think I could handle that much food.

Moving on to Lilith, or Lithial in accord with their name for their realm. Lithians have similar traditions to Mythial, having the same fourth and fifth days. Their first day is the Winter Harvest Festival. Unlike the real world, Lithial has crops that thrive in the snow. Everberries are abundant, and there are many crops that were bred to survive in snow. For the festival, Lithians gather up the year's crops in order to prepare for the feast on the fourth day. This festival lasts for two days. Those are the only two days that are unique to Lilith since the third and last days are a part of every Winter Fest.

Eliria is the last realm that I will be talking about. Their first day is the Snowfall Feast, which celebrates the rest that snow brings to the land. The second is the Winter Fair, which is what takes place all week at IA. The fourth day doesn’t have a name, but most people go caroling on this day. The fifth is The Silver-moon Gala, which is like the Winter Solstice Ball at IA.

From the traditional to the week-long Thanksgiving feast, Winter Fest has changed since the time of ancient Zenith. I hope that you have a Merry Christmas, and a great winter!